SQL Server Window Functions


   Window functions are a powerful feature in SQL Server that allow you to perform calculations over a set of rows, or "window", in a SELECT statement. They are similar to aggregate functions, but unlike aggregate functions, which return a single value for a group of rows, window functions return a value for each row in the result set.

   To use a window function in SQL Server, you specify the function in the SELECT clause, followed by the OVER() clause, which defines the window over which the function will operate. Here's an example of how to use the RANK() function to rank the rows in a result set:

SELECT col1, col2, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY col1) AS rank
FROM my_table

    In this example, the RANK() function is used to rank the rows in the my_table table based on the values in the col1 column. The OVER() clause specifies that the function should operate over all rows in the table, and the ORDER BY clause specifies that the rows should be ranked in ascending order based on the values in col1.

   There are several other window functions available in SQL Server, including ROW_NUMBER(), DENSE_RANK(), and NTILE(). These functions can be used to perform a variety of calculations, such as ranking rows, numbering rows, and dividing rows into groups.

   Window functions are a powerful tool for performing calculations over a set of rows in SQL Server. By using window functions, you can easily perform complex calculations on your data without having to write lengthy, complex queries.

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